Nimi: Melodrama

quarter - tamma
159 cm, väri

synt: 24.10.2016

Omistaja: Anarchy VRL-14465
Rek. nro: VH18-014-0167


CAS 49 t. Melody of Wind QHA (i. Wildwind Spook)

31.12.2017 | Kutsu | Cutting | 1/33 WRJ-CUP
02.02.2018 | Kutsu | Calf Roping | 2/32 WRJ-CUP
31.03.2018 | kutsu | Breakaway roping | 3/39 WRJ-CUP

Tämä on virtuaalihevonen | This is a Sim-game horse

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The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this site are fictitious. No identification with actual persons/animals (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.